Godswill Homeowners Association (Gawad Kalinga PNOC, Olaez Village)

SSF For Wearables & Home Style

Gawad Kalinga aims to bring in sustainability for the community by harnessing its residents for small to mid-scale enterprises. It aims to create wealth by helping the community produce world-class products and services, enabled by private-public partnerships where rich and poor can work together to build a strong middle class.

Gawad Kalinga-Rosario residents render 1,920 man-hours of construction time to be awarded one built. These man-hours were computed cumulatively depending on the number of volunteers per household. Presently, there were 104 families that occupy the houses in GK Rosario. The men work as production

workers in various manufacturing companies in the nearby economic zones and some as construction workers. Some of the women also work in various garment manufacturing companies. They are hired through contractual and on seasonal basis to generate and augment their income because of this scenario, they decided to create a livelihood wherein all of the residents will be benefited. It will also develop the productivity o some of the residents who are unemployed.

The livelihood they identified is sewing basahan (rugs) for general cleaning utility and floor mats. They chose these because of the marketability of the products. This product offers daily earnings for home-based enterprises. Some of the women are sewer, skills acquired while working in the garments companies. The residents identified where to buy the raw materials and to sell their products

through the help of their project coordinator Mr. Villamor Delos Santos. To date the residents do not have sewing machines. With the Shared Service Facilities Program of DTI it will help the residents acquire special sewing machines to produce quality products. SSF aims to improve the quality and productivity of microenterprises through the provision of processing and/or manufacturing tools, machinery and equipment for the common use microenterprise within industry clusters, thus it will also improve the lives of the GK residents and the nearby barangay who will avail of the services.

Posted on: January 25, 2023
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