Social Enhancement for Entrepreneurial Development Center Phils., Inc. (SEED Center) Seed Foundation

SSF For Wearables & Home-Style (High Speed Sewing Machine)

Being the primary proponent, Social Enhancement Entrepreneurial Development Phils., Inc. (SEED) is a non-government organization working with underprivileged individuals, families and communities to enhance their knowledge and skills, assist them on livelihood and employment generation, and referrals to basic services, for their increased income and increased use of basic services.

Binhing Pagkakaisa is a shared service facility project for micro entrepreneurs in the sewing industry of Cavite. The project features an integrated and scaled-up microenterprise development model for home-based sewers in three identified urban poor clusters in Cavite. Principal production for the first four months will be rags while preparing the sewers to engaged to more complex and high volume production. The project is jointly undertaken by SEED Center Philippines and the Department of Trade and Industry– Cavite Provincial as its main partner. For the first six months, SEED will act as the lead of the whole social enterprise covering the three sites. This is to ensure proper management of the whole enterprise while empowering tasks on production, marketing, operations, and organizational and financial management. After six months, each site  shall have a registered legal organization set-up and will be capable of running the enterprise with minimal supervision from SEED.

Posted on: January 25, 2023
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